We provide both Case Centered and Justice Centered data. In the Case Centered data the unit of analysis is the case; i.e., each row of the database contains information about an individual dispute. These data should be used unless the votes of the individuals justices are of interest. The Justice Centered data include a row for each justice participating in each dispute. Please see the Instructions for more information.
For instructions on citing to the SCDB, please consult the codebook’s Citing to The SCDB.
This database includes one row for each dispute. Consolidated cases (those with multiple dockets) or cases with multiple issues or legal provisions are included only once. (For users of the original Spaeth database, ANALU=0.)
This database includes a row for each docket. Thus, consolidated cases appear multiple times, but there is only a single issue and legal provision for each case. (For users of the original Spaeth database, ANALU=0 or 1.)
This database includes a row for each issue and legal provision dealt with by the Court for each docket. (For users of the original Spaeth database, ANALU=0, 1, 2, 3, or 5.)
This database includes the very rare instances when the Court has multiple vote coalitions on a single issue or legal provision. (For users of the original Spaeth database, ANALU=0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.)
This database includes one set of justice votes for each dispute. Consolidated cases (those with multiple dockets) or cases with multiple issues or legal provisions are included only once. (For users of the original Spaeth database, ANALU=0.)
This database includes one set of justice votes for each docket. Thus, consolidated cases appear multiple times, but there is only a single issue and legal provision for each case. (For users of the original Spaeth database, ANALU=0 or 1.)
This database includes one set of justice votes for each issue and legal provision dealt with by the Court for each docket. (For users of the original Spaeth database, ANALU=0, 1, 2, 3, or 5.)
This database includes the very rare instances when the Court has multiple vote coalitions on a single issue or legal provision. The database contains up to two sets of justice votes for each issue and legal provision. (For users of the original Spaeth database, ANALU=0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.)
Harold J. Spaeth, Lee Epstein, Michael J. Nelson, Andrew D. Martin, et al. 2012 Supreme Court Database, Version 2012 Release 1. URL: https://scdb.psu.edu