Supreme Court Database



Variable Name
Spaeth Name
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The next four variables identify the parties to the case. “Petitioner” refers to the party who petitioned the Supreme Court to review the case. This party is variously known as the petitioner or the appellant. “Respondent” refers to the party being sued or tried and is also known as the appellee. Variables “petitioner” and “respondent” provide detailed information about all parties, except the identity of the state if a state (or one of its subdivisions) is a party, petitioner and respondent variables note only whether a state is a party, not the state’s name. See variables Petitioner State and Respondent State for the name.

The specific codes that appear below were created inductively, with petitioner and respondent characterized as the Court’s opinion identifies them.

In describing the parties in the cases before it, the justices employ terminology that places them in the context of the litigation in which they are involved. Accordingly, an employer who happens to be a manufacturer will be identified as the former if its role in the litigation is that of an employer and as the latter if its role is that of a business. Because the justices describe litigants in this fashion, a fairly limited vocabulary characterizes them. Note that the list of parties also includes the list of administrative agencies and officials contained in administrative action preceding litigation.

Also note that the Court’s characterization of the parties applies whether the petitioner and respondent are actually single entities or whether many other persons or legal entities have associated themselves with the lawsuit. That is, the presence of the phrase, et al., following the name of a party does not preclude the Court from characterizing that party as though it were a single entity. Thus, each docket number will show a single petitioner and a single respondent, regardless of how many legal entities were actually involved.

The decision rules governing the identification of parties are as follows.

1. Parties are identified by the labels given them in the opinion or judgment of the Court except where the Reports title a party as the “United States” or as a named state. Textual identification of parties is typically provided prior to Part I of the Court’s opinion. The official syllabus, the summary that appears on the title page of the case, may be consulted as well. In describing the parties, the Court employs terminology that places them in the context of the specific lawsuit in which they are involved. E.g., “employer” rather than “business” in a suit by an employee; as a “minority,” “female,” or “minority female” employee rather than “employee” in a suit alleging discrimination by an employer.

2. Where a choice of identifications exists that which provides information not provided by the legal provision or the issue is chosen. E.g., a federal taxpayer or an attorney accused of a crime as taxpayer or attorney rather than accused person, particularly if neither the lawType nor the Issue variable identifies the case as a tax matter or one involving an attorney.

3. Identify the parties by reference to the following list and by the list of federal agencies provided in the adminAction variable.


1attorney general of the United States, or his office
2specified state board or department of education
3city, town, township, village, or borough government or governmental unit
4state commission, board, committee, or authority
5county government or county governmental unit, except school district
6court or judicial district
7state department or agency
8governmental employee or job applicant
9female governmental employee or job applicant
10minority governmental employee or job applicant
11minority female governmental employee or job applicant
12not listed among agencies in the first Administrative Action variable
13retired or former governmental employee
14U.S. House of Representatives
15interstate compact
17state legislature, house, or committee
18local governmental unit other than a county, city, town, township, village, or borough
19governmental official, or an official of an agency established under an interstate compact
20state or U.S. supreme court
21local school district or board of education
22U.S. Senate
23U.S. senator
24foreign nation or instrumentality
25state or local governmental taxpayer, or executor of the estate of
26state college or university
27United States
100person accused, indicted, or suspected of crime
101advertising business or agency
102agent, fiduciary, trustee, or executor
103airplane manufacturer, or manufacturer of parts of airplanes
105distributor, importer, or exporter of alcoholic beverages
106alien, person subject to a denaturalization proceeding, or one whose citizenship is revoked
107American Medical Association
108National Railroad Passenger Corp.
109amusement establishment, or recreational facility
110arrested person, or pretrial detainee
111attorney, or person acting as such; includes bar applicant or law student, or law firm or bar association
112author, copyright holder
113bank, savings and loan, credit union, investment company
114bankrupt person or business, or business in reorganization
115establishment serving liquor by the glass, or package liquor store
116water transportation, stevedore
117bookstore, newsstand, printer, bindery, purveyor or distributor of books or magazines
118brewery, distillery
119broker, stock exchange, investment or securities firm
120construction industry
121bus or motorized passenger transportation vehicle
122business, corporation
123buyer, purchaser
124cable TV
125car dealer
126person convicted of crime
127tangible property, other than real estate, including contraband
128chemical company
129child, children, including adopted or illegitimate
130religious organization, institution, or person
131private club or facility
132coal company or coal mine operator
133computer business or manufacturer, hardware or software
134consumer, consumer organization
135creditor, including institution appearing as such; e.g., a finance company
136person allegedly criminally insane or mentally incompetent to stand trial
139real estate developer
140disabled person or disability benefit claimant
142person subject to selective service, including conscientious objector
143drug manufacturer
144druggist, pharmacist, pharmacy
145employee, or job applicant, including beneficiaries of
146employer-employee trust agreement, employee health and welfare fund, or multi-employer pension plan
147electric equipment manufacturer
148electric or hydroelectric power utility, power cooperative, or gas and electric company
149eleemosynary institution or person
150environmental organization
151employer. If employer’s relations with employees are governed by the nature of the employer’s business (e.g., railroad, boat), rather than labor law generally, the more specific designation is used in place of Employer.
152farmer, farm worker, or farm organization
154female employee or job applicant
156movie, play, pictorial representation, theatrical production, actor, or exhibitor or distributor of
157fisherman or fishing company
158food, meat packing, or processing company, stockyard
159foreign (non-American) nongovernmental entity
162lesbian, gay, bisexual, transexual person or organization
163person who guarantees another’s obligations
164handicapped individual, or organization of devoted to
165health organization or person, nursing home, medical clinic or laboratory, chiropractor
166heir, or beneficiary, or person so claiming to be
167hospital, medical center
168husband, or ex-husband
169involuntarily committed mental patient
170Indian, including Indian tribe or nation
171insurance company, or surety
172inventor, patent assigner, trademark owner or holder
174injured person or legal entity, nonphysically and non-employment related
176government contractor
177holder of a license or permit, or applicant therefor
180medical or Medicaid claimant
181medical supply or manufacturing co.
182racial or ethnic minority employee or job applicant
183minority female employee or job applicant
185management, executive officer, or director, of business entity
186military personnel, or dependent of, including reservist
187mining company or miner, excluding coal, oil, or pipeline company
189auto manufacturer
190newspaper, newsletter, journal of opinion, news service
191radio and television network, except cable tv
192nonprofit organization or business
194nuclear power plant or facility
195owner, landlord, or claimant to ownership, fee interest, or possession of land as well as chattels
196shareholders to whom a tender offer is made
197tender offer
198oil company, or natural gas producer
199elderly person, or organization dedicated to the elderly
200out of state noncriminal defendant
201political action committee
202parent or parents
203parking lot or service
204patient of a health professional
205telephone, telecommunications, or telegraph company
206physician, MD or DO, dentist, or medical society
207public interest organization
208physically injured person, including wrongful death, who is not an employee
209pipe line company
210package, luggage, container
211political candidate, activist, committee, party, party member, organization, or elected official
212indigent, needy, welfare recipient
213indigent defendant
214private person
215prisoner, inmate of penal institution
216professional organization, business, or person
217probationer, or parolee
218protester, demonstrator, picketer or pamphleteer (non-employment related), or non-indigent loiterer
219public utility
220publisher, publishing company
221radio station
222racial or ethnic minority
223person or organization protesting racial or ethnic segregation or discrimination
224racial or ethnic minority student or applicant for admission to an educational institution
226journalist, columnist, member of the news media
228restaurant, food vendor
229retarded person, or mental incompetent
230retired or former employee
232private school, college, or university
233seller or vendor
234shipper, including importer and exporter
235shopping center, mall
236spouse, or former spouse
237stockholder, shareholder, or bondholder
238retail business or outlet
239student, or applicant for admission to an educational institution
240taxpayer or executor of taxpayer’s estate, federal only
241tenant or lessee
242theater, studio
243forest products, lumber, or logging company
244person traveling or wishing to travel abroad, or overseas travel agent
245trucking company, or motor carrier
246television station
247union member
248unemployed person or unemployment compensation applicant or claimant
249union, labor organization, or official of
251voter, prospective voter, elector, or a nonelective official seeking reapportionment or redistricting of legislative districts (POL)
252wholesale trade
253wife, or ex-wife
254witness, or person under subpoena
258bank of the united states
259timber company
260U.S. job applicants or employees
301Army and Air Force Exchange Service
302Atomic Energy Commission
303Secretary or administrative unit or personnel of the U.S. Air Force
304Department or Secretary of Agriculture
305Alien Property Custodian
306Secretary or administrative unit or personnel of the U.S. Army
307Board of Immigration Appeals
308Bureau of Indian Affairs
310Bonneville Power Administration
311Benefits Review Board
312Civil Aeronautics Board
313Bureau of the Census
314Central Intelligence Agency
315Commodity Futures Trading Commission
316Department or Secretary of Commerce
317Comptroller of Currency
318Consumer Product Safety Commission
319Civil Rights Commission
320Civil Service Commission, U.S.
321Customs Service or Commissioner of Customs
322Defense Base Closure and REalignment Commission
323Drug Enforcement Agency
324Department or Secretary of Defense (and Department or Secretary of War)
325Department or Secretary of Energy
326Department or Secretary of the Interior
327Department of Justice or Attorney General
328Department or Secretary of State
329Department or Secretary of Transportation
330Department or Secretary of Education
331U.S. Employees’ Compensation Commission, or Commissioner
332Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
333Environmental Protection Agency or Administrator
334Federal Aviation Agency or Administration
335Federal Bureau of Investigation or Director
336Federal Bureau of Prisons
337Farm Credit Administration
338Federal Communications Commission (including a predecessor, Federal Radio Commission)
339Federal Credit Union Administration
340Food and Drug Administration
341Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
342Federal Energy Administration
343Federal Election Commission
344Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
345Federal Housing Administration
346Federal Home Loan Bank Board
347Federal Labor Relations Authority
348Federal Maritime Board
349Federal Maritime Commission
350Farmers Home Administration
351Federal Parole Board
352Federal Power Commission
353Federal Railroad Administration
354Federal Reserve Board of Governors
355Federal Reserve System
356Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation
357Federal Trade Commission
358Federal Works Administration, or Administrator
359General Accounting Office
360Comptroller General
361General Services Administration
362Department or Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare
363Department or Secretary of Health and Human Services
364Department or Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
366Interstate Commerce Commission
367Indian Claims Commission
368Immigration and Naturalization Service, or Director of, or District Director of, or Immigration and Naturalization Enforcement
369Internal Revenue Service, Collector, Commissioner, or District Director of
370Information Security Oversight Office
371Department or Secretary of Labor
372Loyalty Review Board
373Legal Services Corporation
374Merit Systems Protection Board
375Multistate Tax Commission
376National Aeronautics and Space Administration
377Secretary or administrative unit of the U.S. Navy
378National Credit Union Administration
379National Endowment for the Arts
380National Enforcement Commission
381National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
382National Labor Relations Board, or regional office or officer
383National Mediation Board
384National Railroad Adjustment Board
385Nuclear Regulatory Commission
386National Security Agency
387Office of Economic Opportunity
388Office of Management and Budget
389Office of Price Administration, or Price Administrator
390Office of Personnel Management
391Occupational Safety and Health Administration
392Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
393Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs
394Patent Office, or Commissioner of, or Board of Appeals of
395Pay Board (established under the Economic Stabilization Act of 1970)
396Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
397U.S. Public Health Service
398Postal Rate Commission
399Provider Reimbursement Review Board
400Renegotiation Board
401Railroad Adjustment Board
402Railroad Retirement Board
403Subversive Activities Control Board
404Small Business Administration
405Securities and Exchange Commission
406Social Security Administration or Commissioner
407Selective Service System
408Department or Secretary of the Treasury
409Tennessee Valley Authority
410United States Forest Service
411United States Parole Commission
412Postal Service and Post Office, or Postmaster General, or Postmaster
413United States Sentencing Commission
414Veterans’ Administration
415War Production Board
416Wage Stabilization Board
417General Land Office of Commissioners
418Transportation Security Administration
419Surface Transportation Board
420U.S. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corp.
421Reconstruction Finance Corp.
422Department or Secretary of Homeland Security
600International Entity