Supreme Court Database


Reason for Granting Cert

Reason for Granting Cert
Variable Name
Spaeth Name
13 [ view ]

This variable provides the reason, if any, that the Court gives for granting the petition for certiorari. If the case did not arise on certiorari, this variable will be so coded even if the Court provides a reason why it agreed to hear the case. The Court, however, rarely provides a reason for taking jurisdiction by writs other than certiorari.


1case did not arise on cert or cert not granted
2federal court conflict
3federal court conflict and to resolve important or significant question
4putative conflict
5conflict between federal court and state court
6state court conflict
7federal court confusion or uncertainty
8state court confusion or uncertainty
9federal court and state court confusion or uncertainty
10to resolve important or significant question
11to resolve question presented
12no reason given
13other reason